Monday Mayhem – Ennui Edition

So it’s no secret I’ve been suffering a little end of summer ennui. I’m pleased to report that I have powered through, and Saturday I managed to get chapter one of LOVE & ROCKETS (Coastal Heat #3 – October 2016) done. Now I just need to psyche myself up for chapter two.

I got my first round of edits back on FLIP THIS LOVE (Coastal Heat #2) this weekend. Also got some great feedback from my editor on the story itself. Can’t wait to share this one with you in April 2016! Right behind it will be A WILL AND A WAY (sequel to Three Little Words – coming June 2016!) so I will be deep in the writing/editing cave as the leaves start to turn.

But first, I’m planning some prizes and giveaways for the release of GOING DEEP on September 15th!

Coastal Heatbanner

Found this super-cute beach bag that matches the cover colors that I plan to fill with books and goodies for my newsletter subscribers (sign up now at the top of the right sidebar!).


I also have some fun stuff for the Facebook party I’ll be participating in that evening.

So yeah, I’m hoping to gain a little momentum again as the summer starts to cool down. Give me another couple of weeks and I’ll be in full-on Fall mode. That means being football and first draft ready.

I plan on turning this ennui will be off-oui (Gilmore-ism – thank you Sookie St. James Bellville!) and getting back in the groove.

How about you? What are you looking forward to this fall?

2 Replies to “Monday Mayhem – Ennui Edition”

  1. I finally got through my two toughest chapters on my WIP, now I hope I can coast through the remaining three with relative ease. So close I can taste it! I’d love to finish this story by the end of next week. In the meantime, I’ve been busy adding notes to a few other story ideas in the vault. I’ve got my mojo back! 😀

  2. My mojo definitely went on vacation, but having a Sept 15 deadline kicked the little darling into gear. Have only three chapters and then my WIP will be finished!
    Good luck with your writing, Margaret. You are one busy lady and I get exhausted just hearing about what you are up to.

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