Monday Mayhem – I need a nap

Great weekend, but a busy one. Saturday was our annual DSRA annual lunch. We were actually fairly well-behaved this year. Don’t know how that happened, but I’m sure we’ll rectify that next year!

l to r: Brinda Berry, D.T. Dyllin, me, Jen Crane, KD Reep, Mia Kay, Carol Lytle, Cynthia d’Alba, Mandy Harbin, Elle James (Myla Jackson), Nena Clements, and Holly Goslin.

That evening, we also attended the party thrown by my company. A lot of talking for a girl who prefers to leave the dialogue to the characters in her head.

Sunday, I cooked a turkey dinner, and the family came over to help decorate the tree and inside of the house.


Now, I am in my stretchy pants and slippers, trying to psyche myself up for another busy week.

As I usually do at this time of year, I’ve been assessing some of my writing related activities and determining which are proving to be a good use of my time, and which I can/should ditch in my quest to be more productive in putting words on the page.

This year, I tried adding some new features (Teaser Tuesday, Whatcha Reading Wednesday, and Fangirl Friday) to the blog to make it more interactive. They weren’t as much of a hit as I had hoped, so I will be discontinuing them. I’m also going to take a little break from the Weekend Writing Warriors in January, but will most likely pick it back up again as the year goes on.

That leaves us with our traditional Mondays together.

I’ll continue to post weekly updates on what’s happening in my life and with my writing (good news coming!) here each week, and I hope you’ll continue to keep me company.

With the holiday rush in full tilt boogie, it’s hard to keep on track with the writing, so I’ve started a new challenge to keep me moving forward even on the most hectic days. I’m trying to do 100 words for 100 days. It’s just like it sounds. I have to write a minimum of 100 words (about a paragraph) on my work in progress each day. Most days, I won’t stop there, but there may be times (like Saturday) when there’s so much to do in the real world, that 100 words will have to suffice.

What am I looking forward to in 2016? Well, it’s good of you to ask!

I’ll be wrapping up edits on book three in the Coastal Heat Series, LOVE AND ROCKETS, and starting drafts on books two and three in the Warrior series, RANSOMED HEART and TOSSING THE PLAYBOOK.

If I can get my act together, I’ll be re-releasing the HOT NIGHTS IN ST. BLAISE novellas in one big set this January. Then, there will be 4 more releases, so mark your spanking new 2016 calendars!!

April: FLIP THIS LOVE, Coastal Heat #2

July: A WILL AND A WAY, A Worth the Wait Romance

October: LOVE AND ROCKETS, Coastal Heat #3

December: FULL COURT PRESS, Warrior series #1

So, yeah, lots of good stuff coming up. Make sure you stay tuned!


3 Replies to “Monday Mayhem – I need a nap”

  1. I seriously CAN’T WAIT till next year! Full Court Press, come to mama! 😀 So glad you had a nice family and friends-filled weekend, but I know how tiring those can be. I spent most of my weekend Christmas shopping. Pretty tired today, but I’m finding energy in the fact that it’s my last week of work before I’m on Christmas break! I’m gonna try the 100 words/100 days challenge too, and I plan on finishing my current WIP by the end of the holiday. Happy Monday! 🙂

  2. Wonderful news. To be honest, I always enjoyed the Monday Mayhem over the others. I just got home last night from a trip to Florida and will be busy trying to step up with the decorating.

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